Certainly Certified:
The Importance of Being
AS9100D & ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Susie Henaghan

Certainly Certified
When choosing a metal supplier, while price and quality should be taken into consideration —the most important aspect when selecting should be—are they certified? Keep in mind, not every single metal supplier will carry a current AS9100D & ISO 9001:2015 certification—but in order to get the best for your metal needs, it requires going to the best. Unfortunately, due to the time and resources needed to obtain and maintain ISO certification, some metal suppliers may opt out. Here at Alloys International, Inc., we take great pride in being an AS9100D & ISO 9001:2015 company and have maintained such!
Break It Down Now…
AS9100D is a quality management standard developed by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) titled, “Quality Management Systems – Requirements for Aviation, Space and Defense Organizations”. This standard is primarily germane to aviation, space, and defense industries and incorporates the new clause structure and content of ISO 9001:2015.
ISO: International Organization for Standardization- this is the organization that forms the required standards in order to certify businesses or organizations. Certification is handled by third-party companies and tested annually.
9001: This number classified the standard put in place by ISO. Standards within the ISO 9000 family refer directly to quality management. ISO 9001 is among ISO’s best-known standards, and it defines the criteria for meeting several quality management principles. These standards will help achieve efficiency and customer satisfaction within business.
2015: The last numbers in the certification represent the version of the standard that is being met and represented by the calendar year those standards were launched. The newest version is ISO 9001:2015, being launched in September 2015—and here at Alloys International, Inc., we are proud to be awarded with this certification to show the world that we’re being the best we can possibly be!
Does it Matter?
Of course! Being ISO 9001 isn’t just so you can slap a logo onto your website—it’s a commitment to continuous improvement. The quality management standards put into place by ISO include requirements and guidelines, and by following these is an important way to exhibit a commitment to quality—which will solidify being a top choice metal supplier.
ISO standards lays out the expectations and needs required to be enforced on every order. We’re well versed on the standards that need to be met, and we have the tools in place to guarantee quality, consistency, and safety. The ISO certification standards also keeps our products and services relevant—when the standards change, we adapt to them accordingly!
Certifications are issued by third-party certifying organizations, and to order to maintain certification, an annual scheduled audit wherein the organizations compliance with the standard is evaluated by said certifying party. At Alloys International, Inc., we not only conduct external audits, but we regularly maintain internal audits to ensure we’re continuously maintaining and exhibiting the highest level of quality management.