Alloys international believes that all manufacturers share two common goals – quality products and profitability.
Being active in a global market means controlling every aspect of the manufacturing process.
Today more than ever before, control demands efficiency!
This is how Alloys International, Inc. emerged as a leader in raw material cost reduction.

We have earned our place in the specialty metals distribution industry because of our:

Technical Expertise

Exclusive Global Mill Representation

Substantial Financial Support
Lowering Costs
A world market at your front door results in lower raw material cost. With Alloy’s International, Inc., technical expertise in the interpretation of raw material specifications such as AMS, ASM, ASTM, SAE, MIL, QQA, DIN, BMS, DMS, and a host of other domestic, foreign, and in-house specs, your quality is 100% assured!
A typical customer program includes an initial review of present manufacturing methods to determine the essentials required. Samples are supplied from those mills selected throughout the world which fill your manufacturing needs. Supply schedules are then tailored to your requirements to insure a reliable source of supply with proper back-up and support.